I was invited to Mundos Digitales to give a presentation on NeRFs, join a panel on AI in the arts, and was honored to present a lifetime achievement award to Juan Cañada for his immense contributions to the Media and Entertainment industry. This was the first time I attended this conference in gorgeous A Coruña, Spain, but it will absolutely not be the last. Mundos is an incredibly special event, run for over 20 years by the Meijide family, who have gathered around themselves a close-knit community of artists, technicians, and researchers from all over the globe. If you ever get the opportunity to attend or present at this conference you are highly encouraged to go. The conference itself is jam-packed with phenomenal presentations and panels, but the people, food, and sights of A Coruña put it over the top. 10/10, I cannot wait to go back to Mundos Digitales!